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Read More About the Human Nutrition Program of Kellogg Foundation

The publication Food Security and Development is available from among the many documents on the Kellogg Foundation website, in PDF format. The brochure presents the Human Nutrition Program, developed from 1994 to 2002 in Latin America and the Caribbean.

During these years, the Foundation supported 85 projects in 14 countries to demonstrate that it is possible for the region’s farmers to produce, on small holdings, enough to assure their own nutritional needs and sell the surplus on the market, generating an extra income for their families and communities.

The purpose of the publication is to share the information and the lessons learned from these projects among a broad spectrum of parties interested in the topic – from small farmers to academic researchers and policymakers.

By doing so, the Kellogg Foundation believes it is helping to foster debate on the multiple approaches to promoting food sovereignty and sustainable rural development.

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Human Nutrition Program (1994-2002) – Food Security and Development



Published in Interaction nº 17



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