
More than 18,000 community members spoke, and we listened. Their voices formed the framework of Hope Starts Here, Detroit’s Early Childhood Initiative. The community-based organizations bringing it to life told us that a coordinated, citywide system to support young children from birth through age 8 offered the best hope for ensuring Detroit’s youngest learners can access quality early care and education.

Early Care & Education

The community spoke, we listened. Community-based organizations told us that a coordinated, citywide system to support early childhood education offered the best hope for ensuring Detroit’s youngest learners to access quality early care. More than 18,000 Detroiters provided insights into what that would look like. Their voices formed the framework of Hope Starts Here

Health Equity

For more than 90 years, we’ve partnered with Detroit communities to improve access to good food, nutrition, public health and maternal and child health. Working toward health equity requires a dual focus on:

  • the process of removing economic and social obstacles, like poverty and discrimination
  • and the outcomes of everyone enjoying fair and just opportunities to be healthy.

Employment Equity

Children can thrive when the adults in their lives can provide for them. Detroiters have long experienced high poverty, structural racism and the city’s economic decline. Many people in the city have been deprived of developing the foundational skills, credentials and networks to succeed in today’s economy. The continued presence and impact of the pandemic and Detroit’s persistent poverty compounds the issue.

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