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Mississippi Today’s investigative series “Unfettered Power: Mississippi Sheriffs” has been named a finalist for the 2024 Pulitzer Prize for Local Reporting, continuing their momentum after a 2023 Pulitzer win for uncovering welfare scandal abuses. Mississippi Today receives funding by WKKF and the series, exposing misconduct by Mississippi sheriffs — including spying, torture and wrongful imprisonment — led to federal investigations and legislative reforms. This underscores the pivotal role of investigative journalism in promoting justice and accountability. Additionally, the Mississippi Free Press, which also receives WKKF funding, was awarded the inaugural Robert G. McGruder Award for Diversity Leadership by the Poynter Institute, recognizing its commitment to diversity and community engagement in journalism.


Business leaders, investors, workers and the public have roles to play in cultivating a future where everyone can thrive and achieve their full potential. The Corporate Racial Equity Alliance will soon release new performance standards for U.S.-based businesses. The standards will provide a common language and specific strategies for advancing equity and inclusion, combatting discrimination and embodying the best of socially responsible business. Attend an upcoming webinar on Monday, May 20, at 2 p.m. ET to learn more.


The State of Michigan has created A Roadmap for Implementing PreK for All, with the goal of enrolling 75% of the state’s 4-year-olds in quality, free programs by 2027. However, the state needs an additional 1,700 lead teachers and 3,400 associate teachers to meet that goal. Grand Rapids grantee Steepletown has an innovative program, the Early Childhood Educator Apprenticeship Program, to address that need. The program will help future early childhood educators earn Child Development Associate credentials for free while working at early childhood care and education programs in the city.


An important article about education by Jean-Claude Brizard, president and CEO of Digital Promise, appeared on the World Economic Forum website. Brizard describes how his organization partnered with fellow WKKF grantees — Anseye Pou Ayiti, Blue Butterfly, Summits Education and Model School Network — to answer the question, “What would happen if we equipped Haitian students, educators and communities with the necessary tools to ensure continuous, high-quality education?” Brizard shares what the team learned from a pilot project they developed, blending digital and in-person learning in rural Haitian primary schools. The lessons are beneficial in Haiti, where they are being applied, and have the potential to be used in other countries with similar challenges.

An article in the Guardian describes the terrible challenges and dangers pregnant women in Haiti face today. It also illustrates the critical importance of providers of free care, like grantee Partners in Health, who are continuing to operate under duress as demand grows, fueled by the closure of public hospitals and rising prices at private ones.


The federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has announced significant revisions to the Uniform Guidance, promising big changes in how organizations access federal funds. For many nonprofits, this will mean easier application and reporting processes and more funding for indirect costs and overhead. OMB officials Deidre Harrison and Steven P. Mackey will discuss the changes in a free webinar on Thursday, May 30 from 3:30–4:30 p.m. ET, covering the latest revisions, implementation timelines and real-life implications for charitable nonprofits. Register to attend.

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