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W.K. Kellogg Foundation launches new look

Joanne Krell
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
joanne.krell [at] wkkf.org

BATTLE CREEK, Mich. – Vibrant, warm orange silhouettes and banners illuminate the entrance of One Michigan Avenue East today as the W.K. Kellogg Foundation introduces its new visual identity. To mark the occasion, all WKKF employees are participating in a daylong training called MyWKKF Day. Along with a new logo, logotype and color palette, the foundation is introducing a new tagline: W.K. Kellogg Foundation, A Partner with Communities Where Children Come First™ . The new look and feel for WKKF represents the culmination of a multi-year process of strategic change for the foundation.

“Our challenge in designing the new identity for the foundation revolved around respecting tradition and legacy while introducing a new dynamic that reflects the forward-facing culture of WKKF.”“The foundation’s new identity is the visual representation of a comprehensive, multi-year self-assessment that produced a strategic framework, a mission, a statement of values, a solidly place-based strategy and an internal process of identifying and validating the core convictions and aspirations that make us uniquely who we are,” said Sterling K. Speirn, president and CEO. 

In addition to a new look and feel, the foundation’s new identity is also designed to help the 81-year foundation be more effective.

“Our challenge in designing the new identity for the foundation revolved around respecting tradition and legacy while introducing a new dynamic that reflects the forward-facing culture of WKKF,” said Joanne Krell, vice president for communications, who led the identity work. “We were really seizing an opportunity: the time had come to communicate the milestones that the foundation had passed on the path to greater clarity.”

The new WKKF logo replaces the foundation’s former logo, designed in the 1970s. The logotype was last updated in 2005 for the foundation’s 75th anniversary.

“We are particularly proud to be launching our new identity in Battle Creek, our hometown,” said Speirn. “Our partnerships with communities where children come first started here and continue here.” 

In 2010 the foundation made new commitments to Battle Creek through 42 grants totaling $19.4 million.

The foundation will be incorporating its new visual identity and tagline in all new internal and external communication channels, as of November 7, 2011. 

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