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New survey finds digital communications a high priority

According to a new survey released today by the Communications Network, sixty percent of foundation communicators believe increasing digital communications is a high priority. “As philanthropic organizations continue their efforts to advance social change, they are increasingly relying on online communications to support this work,” says Bruce S. Trachtenberg, executive director of the Communications Network. Learn more about what foundation communication professionals do, and how foundation communications is changing based on this and other findings of the 2011 Survey of Foundation Communications Professionals.

Formed nearly 20 years ago as a membership association, the Communications Network today is a stand-alone nonprofit organization that promotes the use of consistent, strategic communications as an integral part of effective philanthropy. The Network connects communications professionals working in philanthropy and the nonprofit sector to each other for guidance and mentoring and regularly sponsors learning and networking opportunities through webinars and the annual conference. Today, the Network’s membership represents a wide range of foundation communications leaders and consultants who work to advance communications strategies and practices in all mediums.

Survey results can be found online at The Communications Network webpage

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