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2nd annual summit on breast-feeding proceedings available

Breastfeeding Medicine Journal

With funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the proceedings from the 2nd Annual Summit on Breastfeeding, “First Food: The Essential Role of Breastfeeding,” held June 16-17, 2010 are available in Breastfeeding Medicine – an international peer-reviewed journal providing evidence-based information regarding optimal care for both mother and infant. This issue of the journal is available free online.

The Foundation’s support for the journal and summit reinforces our commitment to increasing the number of children born at a healthy birth weight and who receive the good, healthy food they need for optimal development. We are pleased to partner with the journal’s publisher, the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, in their efforts to promote and support breastfeeding as a “first food” for newborns.

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