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Arts Engine solicits proposals for “Media That Matters: Good Food”

Arts Engine, the nonprofit that brings you the annual Media That Matters Film Festival, is seeking submissions for “Media That Matters: Good Food,” a nationwide project that will empower and educate young people about food and the environment.

Good Food will bring a unique collection of short, inspiring films by youth and independent filmmakers to middle-school, high-school and college students around the country. Through web streaming, classroom, community and campus screenings, national broadcasts and DVD distribution, young people will be engaged by food and environmental issues and inspired to take action for a sustainable future in their own communities.

  • We are seeking films on sustainable agriculture, healthy eating, organic and local food production, sustainable development, water, food and schools, food and environmental protection, and fair trade.

  • The shorter the better — 8 minutes max. (If your piece is too long, consider submitting a shorter cut or an excerpt.)

  • All genres are welcome: Documentary, Narrative, Experimental, Comedy, Animation, PSA, Digital Story, Music Video, Game, Interactive Online Project, Youth Media.

  • All music and other rights must be cleared and film must be available for home video, educational, broadcast and theatrical distribution.

  • Submissions must be on NTSC DVD (preferred) or VHS – no PAL or mini-DV entries will be considered.

  • Submission cost: FREE

  • Deadline: May 5, 2006

To submit your film for consideration, send your DVD or VHS tape to:

Shira Golding
Arts Engine
104 W. 14th St, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10011

Please include your name, contact information and a synopsis of your film.

If you have any questions contact Shira at shira@artsengine.net.


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