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Social Innovation Award Receives 1,600 Entries

The Experiences in Social Innovation Award, launched in September by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Kellogg Foundation, had by the November 12 deadline for submitting projects received 1,600 entries. The projects will now undergo a four-stage selection process. The final stage is scheduled for November of 2005.

This is the first year of the award, which from now on will be held annually. The purpose of the initiative is, besides giving recognition to innovative social projects from Latin America and the Caribbean, to help replicate successful experiences in other countries in the region. Competing for the award are civil society organizations and municipal and local government organizations. The Experiences in Social Innovation Award is organized by ECLAC with the support of the Kellogg Foundation.

Read more about the Experiences in Social Innovation Award

12/03/2004 (updated in 01/07/2005)

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