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Beyond Organic Radio: Buying Direct from Farmers
Broadcast date: Wednesday, May 25, 2005

“I enjoy your program immensely and look forward to the next one!”- Tony P., Spokane, WA 

This Wednesday’s radio show – Buying Direct from Farmers

One of the coolest food trends suffers from a horrible name!

Welcome to Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), which combines the freshness of a farmers’ market with the convenience of delivery to a neighborhood drop-off point. There are an estimated 1,700 CSAs across the United States, serving about 340,000 families.

CSAs deliver a weekly basket of fresh produce, fruit and often meat, dairy and eggs, introduce, help teach you how to cook new (sometimes unusual) produce, and through a pay-in- advance system, provide farmers with capital to invest at the beginning of the growing season – which is critical especially to small scale, specialty and organic farmers.

This Wednesday, join host Jerry Kay, publisher of the Environmental News Network, as we find out exactly how CSA’s work, meet some of the people involved and find out you can connect with a farmer in your own area.

Click here for show times and details … 

Check this out!!

Sunday, June 5, San Francisco

“United Nations, Together We Can” – written by four- time Grammy winner Edwin Hawkins – features legendary gospel singers who have joined hands to voice their support for a greener future.

Not since the recording of “We Are the World” twenty years ago has the music industry come together for such an important cause.

If you’re planning to be in San Francisco on June 5, mark your calendars for a free, live performance – featuring a 1,000-voice choir and gospel stars from around the country.

Listen to a sample …

And now a word from …

The Beyond Organic one-hour radio show airs weekly, reaching thousands of listeners across North America via traditional radio stations, satellite radio, webcasting and podcasting. Shorter segments are rebroadcast on the CBS Radio Network and Armed Forces Radio.

The show was created by Straus Communications, and is produced in association with Icicle Networks and the Environmental News Network.

Learn more about us …

Contact Information
email: michael@beyondorganic.com
phone: 415-777-1170
web: http://www.BeyondOrganic.com

Straus Communications LLC | 28 Second Street, Suite 500 | San Francisco | CA | 94105

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