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FoodRoutes Network Buy Local Initiative Partner MOFGA Offers Free Publication on Benefits of Local Food

The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) has published a free publication entitled “A Guide to Growing Your Own Food and Buying from Local Farmers.” This special edition of MOFGA’s newspaper emphasizes the benefits of growing and consuming local foods, and provides basic information about the organization’s mission.

Topics addressed in this publication include: Where to Get Local Foods in Maine; Suggestions for Eating Seasonally Available Foods; Tips on Growing Your Own Food in Maine; What is Organic Food?; What Does MOFGA Do?; The Future of Maine Agriculture; and Why Industrialized Agriculture Needs to Go.

“Maine agriculture changes as consumers make connections with farmers,”  MOFGA Executive Director Russell Libby points out. “If every family in Maine spent $10 a week on local food direct from the farmer, $100 million more would flow into the State’s farm economy.”

Look for this publication at grocery stores and restaurants throughout the State. The text of the publication is also available at MOFGA website – www.mofga.org, and at the Maine Foods Network’s website – www.mainefoods.net.

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