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Friday, November 12, is the last day for submitting entries for the Experiences in Social Innovation Award, open to the social projects of NGOs, municipal governments and non-profit organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean. Organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), with the support of the Kellogg Foundation, the award aims to identify, recognize and help publicize innovative projects from the region. The rules and entry forms are available online. Once filled out, the forms may be sent by e-mail to the address
This is the first ever Experiences in Social Innovation Award, which will be held annually. Once the entry deadline ends, a selection process divided into stages will begin. The 50 semifinalists will receive a visit from either ECLAC staff or external evaluators. Twenty entries will be chosen to compete in the final, which is scheduled for the end of 2005. Although cash prizes are awarded to the winning entries, the purpose of the initiative is to help disseminate innovative experiences in the area of social development.
See also:
Entry form (PDF file)Rules