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Community Food Security Conference, The Food Project Seek Youth Nominations

The Food Project (TFP) is partnering with the Community Food Security Coalition (CFSC) to create a significant and meaningful youth presence at this year’s Community Food Security Conference from Oct. 16-19. This collaboration is part of TFP’s BLAST (Building Local Agricultural Systems Today) Initiative. BLAST’s mission is to develop a network of young leaders who will build and advocate for sustainable, community-based food systems around the country and around the world.

Teams are invited to nominate a youth/young adult team to participate in the conference.  If selected, your team would join others from around the country for a Pre-Conference Training & Networking Day on Oct. 16, and for special workshops during the proceedings that will help youth and young adults get the most out of the conference.  Selected teams will also be eligible to apply for scholarships.

Applications are available at www.thefoodproject.org. Please contact Ben Handzo at The Food Project: (617) 442-1322, or email bhandzo@thefoodproject.org with any questions.

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