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Food and Eating Consequences of Time-Use Decisions: A Research and Policy Conference

On Tuesday, July 13, ERS and the Farm Foundation and will host a 1-day conference at ERS in Washington, DC, on data to be released this summer from the American Time Use Survey. These important new data will allow researchers to analyze the choices people make in how they spend their time, the time and income constraints they face, and the consequences of their decisions. In addition, researchers can use data from the survey’s proposed Food & Eating module to study the relationship between time use and eating patterns and between time-use patterns and food assistance participation. This conference will provide researchers, policymakers, and program administrators an opportunity to discuss and identify research priorities that will better their understanding on how economic theory and application can be used to generate policy-relevant insights from time-use data.

The conference is free, but space is limited. To register, fax the registration form by June 30, 2004, to (202) 694-5642. For additional information, contact Karen Hamrick at ERS, 202-694-5426. A preliminary agenda is available.

See http://www.ers.usda.gov/emphases/healthy/TimeUseConference/agenda.htm

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