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Call for Preproposals for Grants from Northeast SARE

The Northeast Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, which funds research and education grants and professional development grants, is calling for preproposals for the next SARE funding cycle. A preproposal is a brief summary of key project themes and results, and is part of the SARE selection process. Only those whose preproposal has been approved can go on to develop a full proposal.

If you are interested in developing a preproposal for Northeast SARE, go to http://www.uvm.edu/~nesare/grants_prepro05.html. Here, there is a general description of the preproposal process,  access to helpful materials, and a link to the page where preproposals can be submitted electronically. The deadline for submissions is May 21.

People with questions about the preproposal concept can call (802) 656-0471 or send e-mail to nesare@uvm.edu.

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