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USDA Economic Research Service June Newsbriefs


New or updated information is available from USDA ERS on Rural America. See new items in all topics at http://www.ers.usda.gov/whatsnew/


This Briefing Room offers a synthesis of ERS research about communication and information services in rural regions, including telephone and Internet services. This covers the diffusion of these services and their economic role in economic development. This Briefing Room also explores the issues of where communication and information services are now, what is determining how much and where the services are, government telecommunication policy, and the suitability of various technologies in rural regions.

See http://www.ers.usda.gov/Briefing/telecom/


Amber Waves presents the broad scope of ERS’ research and analysis. The magazine covers the economics of agriculture, food and nutrition, the food industry, trade, rural America, and farm-related environmental topics. Available on the Internet and in print, Amber Waves is issued in print five times a year (February, April, June, September, and November). The Internet edition, or “e-zine,” will change as new material is added between scheduled issues.

See http://www.ers.usda.gov/AmberWaves/


Welfare reform has helped move many poor single mothers from welfare to self-sufficiency, but this successful transition depends in part on where welfare recipients live. A less positive picture emerges for some rural recipients, especially those in the poorest and most remote rural areas.

See http://www.ers.usda.gov/Amberwaves/june03/Features/RuralWelfareReforme.htm

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