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The Center For Rural Strategies Campaigns Against “Real Beverly Hillbillies”

Dear Friend of Rural America,

The fight against CBS and Viacom’s “Real Beverly Hillbillies” has gone to Capitol Hill. Six members of Congress are on record as opposing the show.

Most recently, Rep. Hal Rogers of Kentucky sent a letter to CBS President Leslie Moonves asking him to drop any plans to create the program. Earlier Rep. Ed Whitfield of Kentucky wrote to Mel Karmazin Chief Operating Officer at Viacom, the parent company of CBS, to take issue with the series. Last month, Sen. Zell Miller of Georgia made a speech on the Senate floor opposing the show. Also joining the campaign are Senators Kit Bond (MO) and Sam Brownback (KS) as well as Rep. Ted Strickland (OH).

These national leaders, both Republican and Democrat, believe the show will perpetuate stereotypes that harm rural communities as they attempt to address difficult economic and social challenges.

CBS and its parent company, Viacom, remain mum on whether the show will go forward.

Alliance continues to grow

Several new organizations have joined our national Rural Reality alliance in recent weeks. These include the National Association for Rural Mental Health, the Kentucky Appalachian Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the Franciscan Center for Social Concern, the Center for Documentary Studies, MCC Appalachia, Appalachia Service Project, Kentucky Foundation for Women, and a unit of Disabled American Veterans.

To add your group to the alliance, contact Michelle Reynolds at michelle@ruralstrategies.org

Contribute to the Campaign

Many of you have asked how to contribute to the campaign. Now the folks at groundspring.org have provided us a secure means to accept contributions. The Center for Rural Strategies is recognized as a not-for-profit corporation under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.

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