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Community Building Training Program Scheduled

Home Town Competitiveness
A Blueprint for Community Builders:

  • Mobilize Local Leaders

  • Capture Wealth Transfer

  • Energize Entrepreneurs

  • Retain and Attract Young Families

Feb. 24-26, 2004
Embassy Suites/Old Market
Omaha, Nebraska

Presented by Center for Rural Entrepreneurship
Heartland Center for Leadership Development
Nebraska Community Foundation

This innovative “Train-the-Trainers” academy challenges the status quo with a “come-back/give-back” approach to rural community building. Learn how public, private and nonprofit groups have achieved stunning results within less than two years. “Training teams” of two or more are strongly encouraged. As a certified participant, you will take home new knowledge, materials, a tool kit and a license to deliver our training program in your community.

Information and registration forms are available at www.heartlandcenter.info or go directly to
or www.heartlandcenter.info/HomeTownCompetitivenessRegistration-Msword.doc

For additional information, call the Heartland Center at (800) 927-1115.

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