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Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE) to Host National Conference

“Building Local Living Economies: Economic, Community & Environmental Prosperity”

Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE) will host its national conference from May 30 to June 1, 2003 (in conjunction with the Oregon Sustainability Conference May 29-31) at Portland State University – Portland, Oregon

Family farms, independent businesses, community newspapers, artists, and eco-systems that once flourished in many communities are now disappearing. However, local residents and business owners have the power to revitalize the unique character of our communities. Join local business alliances from across the country that are working together to equitably increase prosperity, strengthen community, and ensure a healthy environment. Conference participants will include visionary authors, independent business owners, community and economic development professionals, government officials, and community citizens. Participants will be instrumental in shaping tangible ideas and actions for building local living economies.

FOR CONTINUOUSLY UPDATED INFORMATION: View the Events Section at www.LivingEconomies.org


  • Michael Shuman, Author of Going Local

  • Judy Wicks, Owner White Dog Caf and Co-chair, BALLE

  • Stacy Mitchell, Institute for Local Self-Reliance & author of The Home Town Advantage: How to Defend Your Main Street Against Chain Stores and Why It Matters

  • Laury Hammel, Owner, Longfellow Clubs and Co-chair, BALLE

  • David Korten, Author of When Corporations Rule the World …AND MANY MORE!


  • Early bird registration before May 1 – $125

  • Registration after May 1 – $150

  • Register Online or Download Registration Form

  • Register for the Oregon Sustainability Forum (As a BALLE Conference participant, you can attend Saturday morning presentations at the Oregon Sustainability Conference for no additional fee. There is a separate registration fee for attending the conference on Thursday or Friday.)


  • Rudloph Steiner Foundation

  • White Dog Cafe’ Foundation

  • Sponsorship opportunities still available

  • ABOUT BALLE: BALLE supports

  • Local ownership of businesses

  • Creating a sense of community and place

  • Structuring business ownership for community accountability

  • Regional and renewable production of food, energy and housing

  • Changing consumers to customers through education

  • Appropriately scaled industry

  • Community investment and financing socially & ecologically responsible businesses

  • Local sourcing and retention of capital within a community

  • Public policies that support independent, local businesses

  • Reusing ‘waste’ — waste as opportunity

  • Selling your business without selling your values

  • Independent business alliances, networking & peer mentoring

  • Independent media and bookstores

  • Environmentally sound buildings and well-planned, livable communities

  • Local arts and culture, and neighborhood tourism

  • Economic democracy

  • Learn more about BALLE or join a local network: www.livingeconomies.org

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