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Report Explores Integrated Farming Systems Phase 2 Initiative Issues

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation recently issued a report highlighting the issues learned from the Integrated Farming Systems Phase 2 initiative (IFS), which concluded in 2003.  The initiative’s goals were to help farmers adopt more integrated and resource-efficient farming systems and to assist farmers and others in rural communities to address the barriers associated with adopting integrated farming systems.

The report titled, “Changing Attitudes, Changing America’s Food System: Integrated Farming Systems Initiative Phase 2 Lessons Learned,” was compiled from evaluations conducted between 1999 and 2002.  The evaluations explored five key areas:

  • changes in farming systems and agricultural practices

  • policy and institutional change

  • market-based change

  • lessons for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation in its work as a supporter of integrated farming systems

  • leveraging of financial resources in support of Phase 2

To learn more about the IFS Phase 2 initiative and to download a PDF copy of the report, please click here.

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