02.06.25 Racial Healing Featured News Unforgettable moments from National Day of Racial Healing on ‘The Jennifer Hudson Show’ The W.K. Kellogg Foundation partnered with “The Jennifer Hudson Show” to host a special broadcast episode dedicated to the National Day of Racial Healing and the importance of coming together. On Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025, the show created space for people to share their personal and collective experiences and build the trust needed to advance […] Visit Unforgettable moments from National Day of Racial Healing on ‘The Jennifer Hudson Show’
01.27.25 Health Every Child Thrives Proposed Medicaid cuts would hit rural communities hardest Visit Proposed Medicaid cuts would hit rural communities hardest in a new window
01.24.25 Racial Equity Every Child Thrives Challenging the wrongs of childhood poverty Visit Challenging the wrongs of childhood poverty in a new window
01.23.25 WKKF Headline News Our steadfast commitment to healing Visit Our steadfast commitment to healing
02.06.25 Every Child Thrives How faith communities are centering racial healing Visit How faith communities are centering racial healing in a new window
02.05.25 Every Child Thrives A new era for a local landmark: The DoubleTree opens in Battle Creek Visit A new era for a local landmark: The DoubleTree opens in Battle Creek in a new window
02.05.25 Every Child Thrives Uniting to strengthen communities and opportunities Visit Uniting to strengthen communities and opportunities in a new window
02.03.25 Every Child Thrives Battling stigma: How Michigan families are shaping the future of food assistance Visit Battling stigma: How Michigan families are shaping the future of food assistance in a new window
01.30.25 Racial Healing Every Child Thrives Six books every parent should read to their child to foster racial healing at home Visit Six books every parent should read to their child to foster racial healing at home in a new window
01.24.25 Every Child Thrives The power of racial healing and community engagement Visit The power of racial healing and community engagement in a new window
01.17.25 Every Child Thrives Five National Day of Racial Healing events to attend in Michigan Visit Five National Day of Racial Healing events to attend in Michigan in a new window
01.16.25 Every Child Thrives Three National Day of Racial Healing events to attend in the Southwest Visit Three National Day of Racial Healing events to attend in the Southwest in a new window
01.16.25 Every Child Thrives Five National Day of Racial Healing events to attend in the Gulf Coast Visit Five National Day of Racial Healing events to attend in the Gulf Coast in a new window
01.08.25 Racial Healing Every Child Thrives The power of art in racial healing Visit The power of art in racial healing in a new window
01.08.25 Every Child Thrives Partnering to strengthen communities and opportunities Visit Partnering to strengthen communities and opportunities in a new window
01.07.25 Racial Healing Every Child Thrives Ideas to inspire your plans for the 2025 National Day of Racial Healing Visit Ideas to inspire your plans for the 2025 National Day of Racial Healing in a new window
01.07.25 Every Child Thrives Data reveal the impact of firearm violence on children and families Visit Data reveal the impact of firearm violence on children and families in a new window
12.19.24 Every Child Thrives Shared Struggles, Shared Strength: How New Breath Foundation Fosters Cross-racial Solidarity Visit Shared Struggles, Shared Strength: How New Breath Foundation Fosters Cross-racial Solidarity in a new window
12.12.24 Community Engagement Every Child Thrives How a century-old grassroots organization is filling gaps in care for communities of color Visit How a century-old grassroots organization is filling gaps in care for communities of color in a new window
12.11.24 Every Child Thrives Good news for families and children Visit Good news for families and children in a new window