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Grant fuels nonprofit’s ability to prevent foreclosures

Operation HOPE, a nonprofit social investment banking and financial literacy empowerment organization, has received a $400,000 grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to expand the nonprofit’s “silver rights” mission to eradicate poverty. The funding will be used to provide financial literacy education and promote economic education and financial security to underserved communities in Michigan, Mississippi and New Mexico. 

The programs are also available to communities across the nation. Low-income families can begin to improve their economic security through the HOPE Mortgage Crisis Hotline, HOPE Consumer Credit Crisis Hotline and Banking on Our Future.org. It’s toll-free and online services offer the following: foreclosure prevention, personal mortgage and financial counseling, credit card debt reduction and online youth financial literacy, through Banking on Our Future.org.

The hotlines, staffed by certified foreclosure prevention and credit counselors, are HUD-approved and offer services at no-cost to consumers through the toll-free number at 1-888-388-HOPE.

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