02.11.21 New Orleans News New Orleans community launches</br> “I Am New Orleans” to create a more equitable future for its children and families Visit
06.19.18 New Orleans News New studies by W.K. Kellogg Foundation and Altarum make the business case for racial equity in New Orleans and Mississippi Visit
04.04.16 New Orleans News Grantee Jesuit Social Research Institute releases new report measuring states’ progress on social justice Visit
08.24.15 New Orleans News Statement on the 10-year commemoration of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast Visit
07.28.15 WKKF Headline News WKKF increases regional investments to support young men and boys of color Visit
04.10.13 Thriving Children News W.K. Kellogg Foundation participates in key discussions at NBC News’ Education Nation New Orleans Summit Visit
09.08.12 Thriving Children News Growing Power awarded $5 million grant to grow community food projects across U.S. Visit
07.13.12 News Zip code predicts a difference in life expectancy by as much as 25 years in Orleans Parish Visit
05.04.12 News Education leaders share solutions for providing quality education to nation’s most vulnerable children Visit
05.04.12 News Unexplored history, economic realities and demographic trends underscore need for racial healing Visit
04.26.12 News Journalists at W.K. Kellogg Foundation convening acknowledge mistakes in coverage of race-related events and issues Visit
04.24.12 News W.K. Kellogg Foundation hosts New Orleans convening to promote racial healing in communities Visit